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发表于 2009-10-31 01:38:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP:江苏扬州
这个程序编译成功,可链接时出了错误: Undefined Symbol Array<char>::AddTail (char) in module ...\src\cpp\huffman.cpp 请问是哪里出了问题?请各位GG帮帮忙。 程序如下: #include <status.h>
#ifndef PRINTWIDTH #define PRINTWIDTH 4 #endif
#ifndef BASICLEN 20 #define BASICLEN 20 #endif
template <class Type> class Array{ public: Type* a; int size; int length; Array(); ~Array(); status Empty(); status Full(); void Reallocate(); status Insert(Type& ins,int n); void AddTail(Type ins); void Reverse(); void Read(); void Print(); }
template <class Type> void Array<Type>::Reallocate(){ if(size==0){ a=new Type[BASICLEN]; size=BASICLEN; } else{ Type* t=new Type[length]; for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ t[i]=a[i]; } delete(a); a=new Type[size+=BASICLEN]; for(i=0;i<length;i++){ a[i]=t[i]; } delete(t); } }
template <class Type> status Array<Type>::Full(){ if(length>=size) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
template <class Type> status Array<Type>::Empty(){ if(length==0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
template <class Type> void Array<Type>::Reverse(){ Type t; for(int i=0;i<length/2;i++){ t=a[i]; a[i]=a[length-1-i]; a[length-1-i]=t; } }
template <class Type> void Array<Type>::Read(){ cout<<"\nPlease enter the num of data:";cin>>length; while(length<=0){ cout<<"\nPlease enter the num of data:";cin>>length; } while(Full()) Reallocate(); for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ cout<<"Data["<<i<<"]=";cin>>a[i]; } }
template <class Type> void Array<Type>::Print(){ if(!Empty()){ cout<<"\nPrint:\n"; for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ cout<<"Data["<<i<<"]="<<a[i]<<endl; } } }
template <class Type> Array<Type>::Array(){ a=new Type<BASICLEN>; size=BASICLEN; length=0; }
template <class Type> Array<Type>::~Array(){ delete(a); }
template <class Type> void Array<Type>::AddTail(Type ins){ if(Full()) Reallocate(); a[length++]=ins; }
template <class Type> status Array<Type>::Insert(Type& ins,int n){ if(n<0){ cout<<"\nerror: insert location <0\n"; return FAILE; } if(Full()) Reallocate(); if(n>length){ a[length]=ins; } else{ for(k=length;k>n;k--){ a[k]=a[k-1]; } a[k]=ins; } length++; return SUCCESS; }
struct Bit{ unsigned short * bits; int length; int size; Bit(); void Clear(); status Empty(); void ToString(Array<char> &s); void StringToBit(Array<char> &s); void Reallocate(); void Union(Bit &t); void Read(); void Print(); status Full(); ~Bit(); }
Bit::~Bit(){ delete(bits); }
void Bit::Clear(){ delete(bits); size=length=0; }
status Bit::Full(){ if(length/8>=size+1) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
void Bit::Reallocate(){ if(length){ int l=length/8; l%8?l+1:l; unsigned short* t=new unsigned short[l]; for(int i=0;i<l;i++) t[i]=bits[i]; delete(bits); bits=new unsigned short[size+BASICLEN]; for(i=0;i<l;i++) bits[i]=t[i]; size+=BASICLEN; for(;i<size;i++) bits[i]=0; delete(t); } else{ Clear(); bits=new unsigned short[BASICLEN]; size=BASICLEN; for(int i=0;i<size;i++) bits[i]=0; } }
status Bit::Empty(){ if(!size) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
void Bit::Union(Bit& t){ if(Full()) Reallocate(); for(int i=0;i<t.length;i++){ bits[(length+i)/8]|=(((t.bits[i/8]&(1<<i%8))>>i%8)<<(length+i)%8); } length+=t.length; }
void Bit::Read(){ Clear(); Reallocate(); char c; c=getchar(); while(c=='0'||c=='1'){ bits[length/8]|=(c-'0')<<(length%8); length++; if(Full()) Reallocate(); c=getchar(); } }
void Bit::Print(){ cout<<"\nPrint\n"; for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ if(bits[i/8]&(1<<(i%8))) cout<<'1'; else cout<<'0'; } }
Bit::Bit(){ length=0; bits=NULL; }
void Bit::ToString(Array<char> &s){ int i=0; char c; while(i<length){ c=('0'+1&(bits[i/8]>>(i%8))); s.AddTail(c); i++; } }
void Bit::StringToBit(Array<char> &s){ length=s.length; delete(bits); if(length%8!=0) bits=new unsigned short[length/8+1]; else bits=new unsigned short[length/8]; for(int i=0;i<length/8;i++){ bits[i]=0; } if(length%8) bits[i]=0;
i=0; while(i<s.length){ bits[i/8]|=((s.a[i]-'0')<<i%8); i++; } }
int pow(int p,int t){ while(t>0){ p*=p; t--; } return p; }
struct Huffs{ unsigned weight; int lc; int rc; int para; };
typedef char Data;
struct Huffman{ Huffs* huf; Data* data; unsigned len; Huffman(); status Create(); void CreateBT(); int DeepBT(); int DeepBTs(int p); void PrintBT(); void PrintBTs(int p,int x,int y,int d); //status TranslateFrom(Bit code,Array<char> text); };
Huffman::Huffman(){ huf=NULL; data=NULL; len=0; }
int Huffman::DeepBTs(int p){ int d1,d2; if(huf[p].lc) d1=DeepBTs(huf[p].lc); if(huf[p].rc) d2=DeepBTs(huf[p].rc); d1<d2?d2:d1; return d1+1; }
int Huffman::DeepBT(){ return DeepBTs(2*len-1); }
void Huffman::PrintBTs(int p,int x,int y,int d){ gotoxy(x,y); cout<<huf[p].weight; if(p<len){ gotoxy(x,y+1); cout<<data[p]; } else{ PrintBTs(huf[p].lc,x-PRINTWIDTH*pow(2,d),y+3,d-1); PrintBTs(huf[p].rc,x+PRINTWIDTH*pow(2,d),y+3,d-1); } }
void Huffman::PrintBT(){ clrscr(); int d=DeepBT(); cout<<"\n\tBT\n"; PrintBTs(2*len-1,40,3,d-1); }
void Huffman::CreateBT(){ unsigned m1=0,m2=1,i,j; if(huf[m1].weight>huf[m2].weight){ i=m1; m1=m2; m2=i; } for(i=0;i<len-1;i++){ for(j=0;j<len+i;j++){ if(huf[j].para==NULL){ if(huf[m1].para!=NULL) m1=j; else if(huf[m2].para!=NULL) m2=i+j; else{ if(huf[j].weight<=huf[m1].weight&&j!=m1&&j!=m2){ if(huf[j].weight<=huf[m2].weight) if(j!=m2){ m2=j; } else{ m1=m2; m2=j; } } } } } huf[j].lc=m1; huf[j].rc=m2; huf[m1].para=huf[m2].para=j; } }
status Huffman::Create(){ cout<<"enter the num of data(2 - 37568):";cin>>len; if(len<2){ len=0; cout<<"\nerror~\n"; return FAILE; } else{ data=new Data[len]; huf=new Huffs[2*len-1]; for(unsigned i=0;i<len;i++){ cout<<"data"<<i<<"="; cin>>data[i]; cout<<"weight:"; cin>>huf[i].weight; huf[i].lc=huf[i].rc=huf[i].para=0; } for(;i<(2*len-1);i++){ huf[i].weight=huf[i].lc=huf[i].rc=huf[i].para=0; } CreateBT(); return SUCCESS; } }
void t1(){ Huffman h; h.Create(); h.PrintBT(); getch(); }
void main(){ t1(); }
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