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Ajax 特效应用30处

发表于 2009-11-30 00:23:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP:江苏扬州
1) noobSlide-
Checkout the Demo here.下载
2) Growl 2.0 with Mootools-
演示: 打开演示页,点击左侧Show Growl Smoke. Show Growl 即可看到效果

2) Easiest Tooltip and Image Preview Using jQuery-鼠标移到连接对象上,滑出提示层效果

Live Demo演示
Download from Here下载

4) Sliding top panel using mootools-仿flash的菜单移动效果

Live Demo演示
Download tutorial from Here下载

5) Create a Slick Tabbed Content Area using CSS & jQuery-tab标签切换内容根据高度自动缓冲移动变化

Live Demo演示

6) Custom JavaScript Dialog Boxes-ajax对话框效果,周围页面变灰白色

Live Demo演示
Download tutorial from Here下载

7) Facebook Sliders With Mootools and CSS -
按钮拖动 控制图片透明度高宽度

Checkout the Live Demo演示

8 ) Making a Javascript Video Player-

Checkout the Demos here.

9) Ajax mosaic builder-
Checkout the Demo here.演示

10) jQuery flipv()-

Checkout the Demo here.演示
Download it from here.下载

11) Drag. Drop. Lock.-

Checkout the Live Demo演示

12) WebAppers Simple Javascript Progress Bar with CSS-进度条 点中间+ -按钮可以直接预览效果,

Checkout the Live Demo演示
Download it from here.下载

13) moowheel-数据图标的动画显示效果
Checkout the Live Demo演示

14) Sliding top panel using mootools-
Download tutorial from Here

15) Mocha UI-ajax js仿windows桌面操作的效果,
Checkout the Demo here.演示

16) ddMenu-
Checkout the Demo here.演示
Download it from here.下载

17) googleDrive-google地图小工具,实现小汽车在地图上行驶,用方向键 控制车头必须朝向马路前方,往边上开就会开不下去。

18) GlassBox-ajax实现类似vista系统 窗口半透明的玻璃效果
Checkout the Demo here.演示
Download it from here.下载

19) ProtoFlow-ajax相片展示效果,左右滚动并有倒影效果
Checkout the Demo here.演示
Download it from here.下载

20) ASP.NET AJAX AutoComplete Control (Facebook look)-类似google搜索输入框,下拉显示相关关键字的效果,
Checkout the Demo here.演示
Download it from here.下载

21) ADamnIT - JS error notification- A free reporting service that emails you when a JS error occurs in your webpages.页面js错误提示,点击按钮 下方显示对话窗口
Checkout the Demo here.演示
Download it from here.下载

22) Flexigrid-数据表格table 纵向的“列” 可以仿excel一样 拖动
Checkout the Demo here.演示
Download it from here.下载

23) prettyPhoto a jQuery lightbox clone-与现在流行的ligtbox 效果类似,点小图,大图弹出,周围页面变灰色半透明。
Checkout the Demo here.演示
Download it from here.下载

24) JavaScript Color Fading Script-js实现颜色渐变动画效果,鼠标移到表格/文字上,颜色缓慢渐变,而不是一般css实现的颜色直接切换。
Checkout the Demo here.演示
Download it from here.下载

25) Rotator-
Checkout the Demo here.
Download it from here.

26) Kotatsu - a simple html table generator-

27) jQuery virtual tour-js虚拟全景,360度环绕图片浏览,鼠标移到图片下方,显示左右及x停止按钮,
Checkout the Demo here.演示
Download it from here.下载

28) Usable directory listings with a little Dojo-
Checkout the Demo here.
Download a zip of the header and .htaccess files here.

29) Cuzillion’-简单的网页版dreamweaver,点击左侧列出的html元素,实时在中间的html代码部分显示,可以拖动改变元素所在位置跟属性,右侧点creat预览页面效果

30) The Sliding date-picker-时间表,可以拖动选择特定时间段
Checkout the Demo here.演示
Download it from here.下载
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