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发表于 2010-1-17 08:32:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP:江苏扬州
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E07)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] 标准表达式中数据类型不匹配。


sql="select user.* from user,user_info where user.user_name like '%' and user.user_name=user_info.user_name"
if sex<>"无特别要求" then
sql=sql&" and sex='"&sex&"'"
end if
if married<>"无特别要求" then
sql=sql&" and married='"&married&"'"
end if
if relation<>"无特别要求" then
sql=sql&" and relation='"&relation&"'"
end if
if province<>"无特别要求" then
sql=sql&" and work_province='"&province&"'"
end if

if height<>"无特别要求" and height<>"" then

if height="150厘米以下" then
sql=sql&" and height<150"
elseif height="150-154厘米" then
sql=sql&" and height>=150 and height<=154"
elseif height="155-159厘米" then
sql=sql&" and height>=155 and height<=159"
elseif height="160-164厘米" then
sql=sql&" and height>=160 and height<=164"
elseif height="165-169厘米" then
sql=sql&" and height>=165 and height<=169"
elseif height="170-174厘米" then
sql=sql&" and height>=170 and height<=174"
elseif height="175-179厘米" then
sql=sql&" and height>=175 and height<=179"
elseif height="180-184厘米" then
sql=sql&" and height>=180 and height<=184"
elseif height="185-189" then
sql=sql&" and height>=185 and height<=189"
elseif height="190-194厘米" then
sql=sql&" and height>=190 and height<=194"
elseif height="195-199厘米" then
sql=sql&" and height>=195 and height<=199"
elseif height="200厘米以上" then
sql=sql&" and height>=200"
end if

end if

if age="1" then
sql=sql&" and byear>'"&byear&"'"
elseif age="2" then
sql=sql&" and byear<'"&temp-18&"'"
sql=sql&" and byear>'"&temp-25&"'"
elseif age="3" then
sql=sql&" and byear<'"&temp-24&"'"
sql=sql&" and byear>'"&temp-31&"'"
elseif age="4" then
sql=sql&" and byear<'"&temp-30&"'"
sql=sql&" and byear>'"&temp-41&"'"
elseif age="5" then
sql=sql&" and byear<'"&temp-40&"'"
end if
if education="1" then
sql=sql&" and education='初中'"
elseif education="2" then
sql=sql&" and education in('高中','专科','本科','硕士','博士')"
elseif education="3" then
sql=sql&" and education in('专科','本科','硕士','博士')"
elseif education="4" then
sql=sql&" and education in('本科','硕士','博士')"
elseif education="5" then
sql=sql&" and education in('硕士','博士')"
elseif education="6" then
sql=sql&" and education='博士'"
end if

if salary<>"无特别要求" then
sql=sql&" and salary='"&salary&"'"

end if

set rs3=server.CreateObject ("ADODB.recordset")
rs3.Open sql,conn1,3
'Response.Write "<P>"&sql&"</P>"
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