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发表于 2009-11-29 02:32:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP:江苏扬州
harvard and natbib are widely used
packages for generating bibliography.
To produce bibliography, we have the environment thebibliography1, which is similar
to the enumerate environment. Here we use the command \bibitem to separate the
entries in the bibliography and use \cite to refer to a specific entry from this list in the
The \begin{thebibliography} command requires an argument that indicates the
width of the widest label in the bibliography. If you know you would have between
10 and 99 citations, you should start with
You can use any two digit number in the argument, since all numerals are of the same
width. If you are using customized labels, put the longest label in argument, for example
\begin{thebibliography}{Long-name}. Each entry in the environment should start with
If the author name is Alex and year 1991, the key can be coded as ale91 or some
such mnemonic string2.
2Key can be any sequence of letters, digits and punctuation characters, except that it may not contain a
comma (maximum 256 characters).
This key is used to cite the publication within the document text.
To cite a publication from the bibliography in the text, use the \cite command, which
takes with the corresponding key as the argument. However, the argument to \cite can
also be two or more keys, separated by commas.
\cite{key1} \cite{key1,key2}
In bibliography, numbering of the entries is generated automatically. You may also add
a note to your citation, such as page number, chapter number etc. by using an optional
argument to the \cite command. Whatever text appears in this argument will be placed
within square brackets, after the label.
It is hard to write unstructured and disorganised documents using
\LaTeX?\cite{les85}.It is interesting to typeset one
equation?\cite[Sec 3.3]{les85} rather than setting ten pages of
running matter?\cite{don89,rondon89}.
\bibitem{les85}Leslie Lamport, 1985. \emph{\LaTeX---A Document
Preparation System---User’s Guide and Reference Manual},
Addision-Wesley, Reading.
\bibitem{don89}Donald E. Knuth, 1989. \emph{Typesetting Concrete
Mathematics}, TUGBoat, 10(1):31-36.
\bibitem{rondon89}Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, and Ore
Patashnik, 1989. \emph{Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for
Computer Science}, Addison-Wesley, Reading.

Options for natbib
round (default) for round parentheses
square for square brackets
curly for curly braces
angle for angle brackets
colon (default) to separate multiple citations with colons
comma to use commas as separators
authoryear (default) for author–year citations
numbers for numerical citations
super for superscripted numerical citations, as in Nature
sort orders multiple citations into the sequence in which they
appear in the list of references
sort&compress as sort but in addition multiple numerical citations are
compressed if possible (as 3–6, 15)
longnamesfirst makes the first citation of any reference the equivalent
of the starred variant (full author list) and subsequent
citations normal (abbreviated list)
sectionbib redefines \thebibliography to issue \section* instead of
\chapter*; valid only for classes with a \chapter command;
to be used with the chapterbib package
nonamebreak keeps all the authors’ names in a citation on one line;
causes overfull hboxes but helps with some hyperref
You can set references in the Nature style of citations (superscripts) as follows
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .

2.2. Basic commands
The natbib package has two basic citation commands, \citet and \citep for textual
and parenthetical citations, respectively. There also exist the starred versions \citet*
and \citep* that print the full author list, and not just the abbreviated one. All of these
may take one or two optional arguments to add some text before and after the citation.
Normally we use author name and year for labeling the bibliography.
\bibitem{Leslie(1985)}{les85}Leslie Lamport, 1985.
\emph{\LaTeX---A Document Preparation}...
\bibitem{Donale(00)}{don89}Donald E. Knuth, 1989.
\emph{Typesetting Concrete Mathematics},...
\bibitem{Ronald, Donald and Ore(1989)}{rondon89}Ronald L. Graham, ...
Year in parentheses is mandatory in optional argument for bibitem. If year is missing
in any of the bibitem, the whole author–year citation will be changed to numerical citation.
To avoid this, give ‘(0000)’ for year in optional argument and use partial citations
(\citeauthor) in text.
Don’t put ‘space character’ before opening bracket of year in optional argument.
\citet{ale91} ) Alex et al. (1991)
\citet[chap.?4]{ale91} ) Alex et al. (1991, chap. 4)
\citep{ale91} ) (Alex et al., 1991)
\citep[chap.?4]{ale91} ) (Alex et al., 1991, chap. 4)
\citep[see][]{ale91} ) (see Alex et al., 1991)
\citep[see][chap.?4]{jon91} ) (see Alex et al., 1991, chap. 4)
\citet*{ale91} ) Alex, Mathew, and Ravi (1991)
\citep*{ale91} ) (Alex, Mathew, and Ravi, 1991)
Multiple citations
Multiple citations may be made as usual, by including more than one citation key in the
\cite command argument.
\citet{ale91,rav92} ) Alex et al. (1991); Ravi et al. (1992)
\citep{ale91,rav92} ) (Alex et al., 1991; Ravi et al. 1992)
\citep{ale91,ale92} ) (Alex et al., 1991, 1992)
\citep{ale91a,ale91b} ) (Alex et al., 1991a,b)
Numerical mode
These examples are for author–year citation mode. In numerical mode, the results are
\citet{ale91} ) Alex et al. [5]
\citet[chap.?4]{ale91} ) Alex et al. [5, chap. 4]
\citep{ale91} ) [5]
\citep[chap.?4]{ale91} ) [5, chap. 4]
\citep[see][]{ale91} ) [see 5]
\citep[see][chap.?4]{ale91} ) [see 5, chap. 4]
\citep{ale91a,ale91b} ) [5, 12]
Suppressed parentheses
As an alternative form of citation, \citealt is the same as \citet but without any parentheses.
Similarly, \citealp is \citep with the parentheses turned off. Multiple references,
notes, and the starred variants also exist.
\citealt{ale91} ) Alex et al. 1991
\citealt*{ale91} ) Alex, Mathew, and Ravi 1991
\citealp{ale91} ) Alex., 1991
\citealp*{ale91} ) Alex, Mathew, and Ravi, 1991
\citealp{ale91,ale92} ) Alex et al., 1991; Alex et al., 1992
\citealp[pg.?7]{ale91} ) Alex., 1991, pg. 7
\citetext{short comm.} ) (short comm.)
The \citetext command allows arbitrary text to be placed in the current citation parentheses.
This may be used in combination with \citealp.
Partial citations
In author–year schemes, it is sometimes desirable to be able to refer to the authors without
the year, or vice versa. This is provided with the extra commands
\citeauthor{ale91} ) Alex et al.
\citeauthor*{ale91} ) Alex, Mathew, and Ravi
\citeyear{ale91} ) 1991
\citeyearpar{ale91} ) (1991)
Citations aliasing
Sometimes one wants to refer to a reference with a special designation, rather than by the
authors, i.e. as Paper I, Paper II. Such aliases can be defined and used, textually and/or
parenthetically with:
\citetalias{ale91} ) Paper I
\citepalias{ale91} ) (Paper I)

Selecting citation style and punctuation
Use the command \bibpunct with one optional and six mandatory arguments:
1. The opening bracket symbol, default = (
2. The closing bracket symbol, default = )
3. The punctuation between multiple citations, default = ;
4. The letter ‘n’ for numerical style, or ‘s’ for numerical superscript style, any other letter
for author–year, default = author--year;
5. The punctuation that comes between the author names and the year
6. The punctuation that comes between years or numbers when common author lists are
suppressed (default = ,);
The optional argument is the character preceding a post-note, default is a comma
plus space. In redefining this character, one must include a space if that is what one
Example 1
changes the output of
[Jones et al. 1990; 1991, James et al. 1992].
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