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Installation and configuration process of CentOS5

2009-12-20 13:29| 发布者: admin| 查看: 40| 评论: 0|原作者: 潇潇雨

1. SELinux disabled & iptables -F
2. vi -> vim
3. chkconfig bluetooth cups ip6tables
setroubleshoot off
4. vi /etc/hosts
5. create yum repository:

cp /media/CentOS/ /var/ftp/pub/
cd /var/ftp/pub/CentOS/
rpm -ivh
createrepo -g ../repodata/comps.xml .
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
vi CentOS-Server.repo
mkdir CentOS-Original
mv CentOS-Base.repo CentOS-Media.repo
yum update
6. Chinese Support
7. install startdic dictionary:

mkdir /usr/share/stardict/dic
tar jxf stardict-*.tar.bz2 -C
8. virtualization Support
9. vi grub.conf
reboot with xen-kernel
10. Support NTFS:

yum install gcc kernel-xen-devel -y
cd fuse-2.7.3 && ./configure
&& make && make install
cd ntfs-3g-1.2712 &&
./configure && make && make install
vi /etc/fstab
mount -a
11. install wine:

cd wine-1.0
yum install flex bison libX11-devel
freetype-devel -y
make depend && make &&
make install
( error occurd : lack of
“lXext”. Installed group packages of “X Software Development”
and “GNOME Software Development”, resolved )
12. online

wine drcomclient.exe
cd /root/.wine/drive_c/Program\
Files/PPOE\ Client/
wine ishare_user.exe
( error : need to
import dll library in Windows. So just copy Packet.dll,
WanPacket.dll, npptools.dll and mfc42u.dll in
/media/system/WINDOWS/system32/ to `pwd`)
wine ishare_user.exe &
( attention: when run ishare
program,you should in the default directory, or else it can not read
the configuration file )
ifup ppp0


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