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2009-12-14 02:32| 发布者: admin| 查看: 10| 评论: 0|原作者: 情殇

《endurer注:pros and cons 正反面,优缺点,利弊》

by Michael Mullins CCNA, MCP
作者:Michael Mullins CCNA, MCP
翻译:endurer 2006-04-28 第1版
Keywords: Security applications/tools | Firewalls | Security | Internet
关键字:安全应用程序/工具 | 防火墙 | 安全 | Internet
Is Windows Firewall up to the task of securing your network? Mike Mullins has his doubts. In this edition of Security Solutions, he delves into the details of Windows Firewall and weighs its pros and cons.
概述:Windows防火墙胜任您的网络安全任务吗?Mike Mullins有疑。在这期安全解决方法中,他深入研究Windows防火墙的细节,并权衡其优缺点。
《endurer注:1。up to 一直到,等于;正在做(直到,相当于,胜任,该由...决定)
2。delve into 钻研, 深入研究》

Windows Firewall debuted with the release of Windows XP, and Windows XP Service Pack 2 enabled this feature by default. This host-based stateful firewall replaced Windows' Internet Connection Firewall.
Windows防火墙随着Windows XP的发布初次登场,Windows XP Service Pack 2默认增强了特性。该主机型运用状态(检测)防火墙替代了WindowsInternet连接防火墙。
Stateful firewall 是一种新型防火墙技术,请点击参考:防火墙新生代:Stateful-inspection(http://www.bupt.edu.cn/regnet/document/network/firewall1.htm)
This feature's default configuration rejects incoming IP traffic unless you've specifically allowed it. To configure or adjust the Windows Firewall settings, go to Start | Control Panel, and double-click the Windows Firewall applet. Let's take a closer look at the various settings.
Know your options
On the General tab, you can use the On and Off radio buttons to enable or disable Windows Firewall. You can also choose to disallow exceptions.
The Exceptions tab includes a list of programs and services that you can select or deselect to allow or remove access to the network. You can also add or delete ports (both TCP and UDP).
When adding programs or ports, you also have the following options to limit the scope of access: Any Computer (Including Those On The Internet), My Network (Subnet) Only, or Custom List, which allows you to choose a mix of IP addresses and subnets.
《endurer注:1。custom list 【微软】自定义序列》
On the Advanced tab, you can choose which connections the firewall will apply to, and you can specify logging features. You can also control, with some granularity, how the firewall handles Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packets.
在高级选项卡,您可以选择防火墙应用到哪个连接,并能指定登录特性。您也能较精确地控制防火墙如何处理Internet控制消息协议 (ICMP)包。
Finally, if you get completely lost and make changes that prevent the computer from connecting to the Internet, you can click the Restore Defaults button. This removes all of your changes, returning Windows Firewall to the Microsoft default state.
《endurer注:1。get lost 迷路》
Know how to adjust the settings
You can use the method described above to manually change the Windows Firewall settings. However, you can also use a variety of methods more suited for enterprise deployments. Here are some of your options:
Unattend.txt: You can use this text file used during unattended setup when deploying multiple systems that have similar configurations.

Netfw.ini: You can modify and deploy this file via login scripts or a control system such as Systems Management Server (SMS). You can find this file in the %windir%\Inf folder.
Netfw.ini: 您可以修改并通过登录脚本或诸如Windows系统配置管理解决方案(SMS)之类的控制系统来部署。您可以在%windir%\Inf找到这个文件。

Netsh: You can execute this command at the command prompt or through a scripted batch file deployed at login.
folder.Netsh: 您可以在命令提示符,或通过布署的登录时脚本批处理文件来执行这个命令。

Group Policy: In an Active Directory environment you can use Group Policy to deploy Windows Firewall configurations. update existing Group Policy Objects with the Windows Firewall policy settings from the updated System.adm template included with Windows XP SP2. You can find these new settings under Computer Configuration | Administrative Templates | Network | Network Connections.
组策略:在活动目录环境中,您可以使用组策略来布署Windows防火墙配置。利用Windows XP SP2包含的已升级的System.adm模板中的Windows防火墙策略设置来更新现存组策略对象。您可以在计算机配置-->管理模板-->网络-->网络连接里找到这些新设置。
Of course, all of these available configuration and deployment options beg the question: Does this firewall adequately protect your computer?
Weigh the pros and cons
《endurer注:1。beg the question 以尚未解决的问题作为论据(回避问题的实质)》
Weigh the pros and cons
The Windows Firewall does a good job of proxying inbound responses to outbound connection requests, and it does a good job of blocking inbound connection requests for TCP or UDP conversations that you haven't initiated. It will block any connection attempts that you haven't specifically allowed in the settings. However, that's only half of what a firewall needs to do.
《endurer注:1。do a good job 工作干得好
2。inbound[计算机] 入站
3。outbound[计算机] 出站》
A firewall should also monitor, inspect, and proxy outbound communication—and this is where Windows Firewall fails. Any program on your computer can initiate any type of connection to any IP address on the Internet, and the Windows Firewall will sit by passively and let it happen!
《endurer注:1。sit by 袖手旁观, 无动于衷》
Don't let any prompts fool you: Even though it tells you a program has initiated a connection to the Internet and asks if you want to allow this connection, the connection has already occurred. What it's really asking is whether you want to allow the Internet to connect to this program.
Final thoughts
As far as I'm concerned, a firewall mechanism that only works one way is a security feature—not a firewall. Thanks to viruses, worms, Trojans, and a host of other malware and spyware that arrive on your computer daily, you need to be able to control communications from both directions.
《endurer注:1。as far as 远到, 直到, 至于
2。work one's way费力前进
3。 thanks to由于,多亏,归功于》
Every computer connected to any network (e.g., dial-up, Ethernet, or wireless) needs a firewall, and Windows Firewall just isn't up to the task. Find yourself a free firewall or pay for one from a reputable vendor, but don't let Windows Firewall fool you into thinking it completely protects your computer. Half a firewall is no better than no firewall at all.
《endurer注:1。fool sb. into doing 哄骗某人做
2。no better than和...一样不好》

如何配置 Windows XP Service Pack 2 中的 Windows 防火墙功能


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