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2010-1-30 18:32| 发布者: admin| 查看: 325| 评论: 0|原作者: 小可爱

2008年06月23日 星期一 下午 11:37


;[ BITLOK系列通用解密软件BITFREE V2.0 ]

;[ 1995年6月9日11时19分第一版 ]


Mark0 EQU 0c0d7h ;BITLOK 之标志 '雷'

Mark1 EQU 0d5c5h ;HARD DISK SIGN ?

@Offset3_L EQU 52h ;

@Offset3_H EQU 54h ;

@Relocations EQU 56h ;

@Head_Size EQU 58H ;

@Locker_Size_L EQU 5AH ;

@Locker_Size_H EQU 5CH ;

@Ss0 EQU 5EH ;

@Sp0 EQU 60H ;

@Key1 EQU 62H ;

@Ip0 EQU 64H ;

@Cs0 EQU 66H ;

@Relocation_Table_Entry EQU 68H ;

@Key2 EQU 6AH ;

@Code_Size_L EQU 6CH ;

@Code_Size_H EQU 6EH ;

@Scheme EQU 107H ;

@Mark EQU 10EH


stack segment stack ;

stack ends ;


data segment ;

data ends ;


code segment ;

assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code ;

org 100h ;

start:jmp init ;

;--------------DATA AREA--------------;----


CMD_LINE DB 80h dup(0) ;命令行参数缓冲区

OVL_FILE db "@@@@@@@@.OVL",0

Scheme db 0 ;

_PSP dw 0 ;

Argv1 dw 0 ;参数1的指针

Argv2 dw 0 ; 2

Argv3 dw 0 ; 3

Buffer db 110h dup(0) ;


Versions dw 18 ;目前可处理的BITLOK版本数


; 1 ;

BITLOK12 dw 2a89h ;加密头长

db 1, 7 ;BITLOK 1.2 Revision 1.71 (10/24/93,11/02/93)

;6种算法 : mov bl,schemesign

; xor bl,93h


; 2 ;

BITSHELL dw 24b7h ;

db 2, 15h ;BITSHELL 2.0 (08/16/94)

;20种算法 : mov bl,schemesign

; xor bl,93h

; del bl

; shr bl,1


; 3 ;

BITSHELL201 dw 264eh;BITSHELL 2.01 ? USED BY CHDict.EXE (1/95?)

db 2,15h;20种算法 : mov bl,schemesign

; xor bl,93h

; del bl

; shr bl,1


; 4 ;

BITLOK20 dw 2b14h ;

db 2, 15h ;BITLOK 2.0 (08/17/94) (8/29/94)

;20种算法 : mov bl,schemesign

; xor bl,93h

; del bl

; shr bl,1




; 5 ;

BITLOK10 dw 1a2ah ;(02/19/93)

db 0,16h ;BITLOK 1.0? Used BY RCOPY03.EXE as shell



; 6 ;

BITLOK10? dw 1a28h ;(05/21/93) ? used by ui.exe (UNIMG.ExE) as shell

db 0,16h ;>1995.6.16 added<


; 7 ;

BITLOKUN1 dw 2eb3h ;

db 1,0dh ;BITLOK Unknow Version (07/03/94) 1.5?

;12种算法 : mov bl,schemesign

; xor bl,93h


; 8 ;

BITLOKUN2 dw 2ecbh ;Used By Gwsexe.exe <1995.6.10 added>

db 1,0dh ;BITLOK Unknow Version maybe 1.5 or 1.6

;12种算法 : mov bl,schemesign

; xor bl,93h


; 9 ;

BITLOKUN3 dw 2f25h ;Used By ShuLin English CAI (2/28/94)

db 1,0dh ; ?


; <1995.6.14 added>


; 10 ;

BITLOKUN4 dw 25d5h ;Used by filer.exe Of ZRMNT 2.0 (10/12/94)

db 2,15h ; <1995.7.4 added>


; 11 ;

BITLOKUN5 dw 30f2h ;Used by wps.exe of ZRMNT 2.0

db 0,16h ; <1995.7.4 added>


; 12 ;Bitlock 2.01 (11/24/94)

BITLOK201 dw 2c32h ;Used by wps.exe of spdos nt 1.2 (12/07/94)

db 2,15h ; <1995.7.4 added>


; 13 ;

BITLOKUN7 dw 20bfh ;Used by install.exe of spdos nt 1.2 (11/ /93)

db 1,7 ; <1995.7.4 added>


; 14 ;

BITLOKUN8 dw 23e6h ;Used by install.exp of spdos nt 1.2 (11/24/94)

db 2,15h ; <1995.7.5 added>


; 15 ;install.ovl of vcor ver 1.0 (02/23/95)

BITLOKUN9 dw 265ah ;used by blinst.exe of Magic Key

db 2,15h ; <1995.07.29 added>


;16 ; (01/16/95)

BITLOKUNA dw 2cabh ;used by unall.exe of Unall 95 V4.0

db 2,15h ; <1995.09.18 added>


;17 ; (02/28/95)

BITLOKUNB dw 2cb7h ;used by vcor2.ovl of vcor v1.0

db 2,15h ; <1995.09.19 added>


;18 ; (02/01/96)

BITLOKUNC dw 2ce3h ;used by game.exe of Zhong-guan-chun v1.0

db 2,15h ; <1996.05.05 added>


;Waiting For New Version


;BITLOK 1.3 Has Different SRTUCT


Case1 db 2 ;

Case2 dw 16h ; 18


SchemeSign db 0ffh

Force db 00h

Handle1 dw 0

Handle2 dw 0

Head_Size dw 0

Offset3_L dw 0

Offset3_H dw 0

Offset2_L dw 0

Offset2_H dw 0

Relocations dw 0

Relocation_Table_Entry dw 0

Code_Size_L dw 0

Code_Size_H dw 0

Locker_Size_L dw 0

Locker_Size_h dw 0

Ss0 dw 0

Sp0 dw 0

Cs0 dw 0

Ip0 dw 0

Key1 dw 0

Key2 dw 0



mov _psp,es

;-----added 950629

push cs

pop ds

lea dx,Version_MSG

mov ah,9

int 21h



xor bx,bx

xor dx,dx

mov ds,_psp

mov si,80h

xor ah,ah


inc ax

mov cx,ax ;CMD_LINE Length (include \r);

push cs

pop es


xor ax,ax


Processing label near

call NextChar

ja NotQuote


InString label near

jb BuildArgv

call NextChar

ja InString


NotQuote label near

cmp al,' '

je EndArgument

cmp al,13

je EndArgument

cmp al,9

jne Processing


EndArgument label near

xor al,al


push bx

; push dx

; dec dx

shl bx,1

mov word ptr cs:Argv2[bx],dx

; pop dx

pop bx


jmp short Processing

NextChar proc near

or ax,ax

jz NextChar0

inc dx


or al,al

jnz NextChar0

inc bx

NextChar0 label near

xchg ah,al

xor al,al


jcxz NextChar2


dec cx

sub al,'"'

jz NextChar2

add al,'"'

cmp al,''

jnz NextChar1

cmp byte ptr ds:[si],'"'

jne NextChar1


dec cx

NextChar1 label near

or si,si

NextChar2 label near


NextChar endp


BuildArgv label near

push cs

pop ds

push cs

pop es

; mov ds:_Argc,bx

push bx

mov cx,bx

;---added 95.6.29

jcxz Test_argu


mov dx,cx

lea bx,CMD_LINE

lea si,Argv1

mov di,si

@@1 label near


add ax,bx

cmp dx,cx

jz @1st

inc ax

@1st label near


loop @@1


pop bx

cmp bx,3

jb Test_argu

;lea si,Argv3

mov si,cs:argv3



cmp al,'T' ; to try !

jz Forced ; I want make it can unlock some unknowe version bitlok

cmp al,'t'

jz Forced ;add 1995,9,20


cmp al,'0'

jb Continue

cmp al,'K'

ja Continue

cmp al,'9'

jbe Ten

cmp al,'A'

jb Continue


sub al,'A'-0ah

jmp Set_Scheme


sub al,'0'


mov byte ptr ds:SchemeSign,al

jmp short Continue

Test_argu label near

cmp bx,2

jnb Continue


lea dx,Useage_Msg

Quit label near

mov ah,9

int 21h

mov ah,4ch

int 21h




lea dx,Forced_MSG ;add 19950920

mov ah,9

int 21h

mov byte ptr cs:Force,1


Continue label near

;--------added 950629

lea dx,Processing_MSG

mov ah,9

int 21h


mov dx,ds:Argv1

mov ax,3d00h

int 21h

jnb @@2

lea dx,Err1_MSG

jmp Quit

@@2 label near

mov ds:handle1,ax

mov dx,ds:Argv2

mov ax,3c00h

int 21h

jnb @@3

lea dx,Err2_MSG

jmp Quit

@@3 label near

mov ds:handle2,ax

lea dx,Buffer

mov bx,ds:handle1

mov ah,3fh

mov cx,20h

int 21h

jnb @@4

lea dx,Err3_MSG

jmp Quit

@@4 label near

mov dx,word ptr ds:Buffer 8h

mov cl,4

shl dx,cl

mov ds:Head_Size,dx

;push dx

xor cx,cx

mov ax,4200h

int 21h

mov ah,3fh

mov cx,110h

lea dx,buffer

int 21h

jnb @@5

lea dx,Err3_MSG

jmp Quit

@@5 label near

cmp word ptr ds:Buffer[@Mark],Mark0

jz @@6

cmp word ptr ds:Buffer[@Mark],Mark1

jz @@6

lea dx,Err4_MSG

jmp Quit

@@6 label near

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Offset3_L]

mov word ptr ds:Offset3_L,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Offset3_H]

mov ds:Offset3_H,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Locker_Size_L]

mov ds:Locker_Size_L,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Locker_Size_H]

mov word ptr ds:Locker_Size_H,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Code_Size_L]

mov ds:Code_Size_L,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Code_Size_H]

mov ds:Code_size_H,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Relocations]

mov ds:Relocations,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Relocation_Table_Entry]

mov ds:Relocation_Table_Entry,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Ss0]

mov ds:Ss0,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Sp0]

mov ds:Sp0,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Cs0]

mov ds:Cs0,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Ip0]

mov ds:Ip0,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Key1]

mov ds:Key1,ax

mov ax,word ptr ds:Buffer[@Key2]

mov ds:Key2,ax

mov al,byte ptr ds:Buffer[@Scheme]

mov ds:Scheme,al

cmp byte ptr ds:SchemeSign,0ffh ;Check if defined scheme

jnz @@A


cmp byte ptr ds:Force,1

jz @@A


cmp ds:Locker_Size_H,0 ;Check if the defined version of bitlok

jz @@7 ;if not show massage and quit

@Err5: ;else set mode and schemes

lea dx,Err5_MSG ;

jmp Quit ;

@@7 label near ;

mov cx,ds:Versions ;

lea si,BITLOK12 ;

@@8 label near ;

lodsw ;

cmp ds:Locker_Size_L,ax ;

jz @@9 ;

inc si ;

inc si ;

loop @@8 ;

jcxz @Err5 ;

@@9 label near ;

xor ah,ah ;

lodsb ;

mov byte ptr ds:Case1,al ;

lodsb ;

mov byte ptr ds:Case2,al ;

@@A label near ;

lea dx,Proc_LNG

add dx,100h


mov ax,cs

mov ss,ax

mov sp,dx


add dx,100h

mov cl,4

shr dx,cl

mov ax,cs

add ax,dx

mov ds,ax

mov es,ax

xor si,si

xor di,di

xor dx,dx

xor cx,cx

mov ax,4200h

mov bx,cs:Handle1

int 21h

mov cx,cs:Head_Size

xor dx,dx

mov ah,3fh

int 21h

cmp word ptr cs:relocations,0

jz @@10

mov bx,cs:Key1

mov cx,cs:Relocations

shl cx,1

shl cx,1

mov si,word ptr cs:Relocation_table_entry

call Unlock_Process

@@10 label near

mov ax,word ptr cs:Relocations

mov ds:6h,ax

mov ax,word ptr cs:Ss0

mov ds:0eh,ax

mov ax,word ptr cs:Sp0

mov ds:10h,ax

mov ax,word ptr cs:Ip0

mov ds:14h,ax

mov ax,word ptr cs:Cs0

mov ds:16h,ax


mov ax,word ptr cs:Code_Size_L

mov dx,word ptr cs:Code_Size_H

add ax,cs:Head_Size

adc dx,0

mov cs:Offset2_L,ax

mov cs:Offset2_H,dx

mov cx,200h

div cx

or dx,dx

jz @@11

inc ax

@@11 label near

mov ds:02h,dx

mov ds:04h,ax

xor dx,dx

mov cx,cs:Head_size

call write

mov cx,cs:Code_size_L

mov dx,cs:Code_size_H

push cx

push dx

call read

mov bx,cs:handle1 ;;;;

mov dx,cs:Offset3_L

mov cx,cs:Offset3_H

mov ax,4200h

int 21h

mov cx,cs:Locker_Size_L

mov dx,cs:Locker_Size_H

;push cx

;push dx

call read

xor dx,dx

xor si,si

call decode

pop dx

pop cx

call write


; 处理OVL


mov bx,cs:handle1

mov dx,cs:Offset2_L

mov cx,cs:Offset2_H

mov ax,4200h

int 21h

mov cx,cs:Offset3_L

mov dx,cs:Offset3_H

sub cx,cs:Offset2_L

sbb dx,cs:Offset2_H

or dx,dx

jnz @@12

jcxz @@13

@@12 label near

push cx

push dx

call read

pop dx

pop cx

call write

@@13 label near

; mov bx,cs:Handle2

; mov ah,3eh

; int 21h

;----------Do with App_OVL added 950629

mov ax,4202h

xor cx,cx

xor dx,dx

mov bx,cs:Handle1

int 21h

push ax ;L

push dx ;H

mov ax,cs:Offset3_L

mov dx,cs:Offset3_H

add ax,cs:Locker_Size_L

adc dx,cs:Locker_Size_H

pop bx ;H

pop cx ;L

cmp dx,bx

;cmp ax,cx

jnz @nomatch

cmp ax,cx

;cmp dx,bx

jnz @nomatch

jmp @match


push bx ;H

push cx ;L

mov cx,ax

xchg cx,dx

mov ax,4200h

mov bx,cs:Handle1

int 21h

pop cx ;L

pop bx ;H

sub cx,ax

sbb bx,dx

mov dx,bx ;H


push cx

push dx

call read

mov bx,cs:Handle2

mov ah,3eh

int 21h

mov ax,3c00h

xor cx,cx

push ds

push cs

pop ds

lea dx,OVL_FILE

int 21h

mov ds:handle2,ax

mov ah,9

lea dx,APP_OVL_MSG

int 21h

pop ds

pop dx

pop cx

call write



mov bx,cs:Handle1

mov ah,3eh

int 21h

;----added 950629

push cs

pop ds

lea dx,OK_MSG

mov ah,9

int 21h


mov ah,4ch

int 21h


UnLocking db 0,0 ;

Schem_0 dw offset Unlock0 ;

Schem_1 dw offset Unlock1 ;

Schem_2 dw offset Unlock2 ;

Schem_3 dw offset Unlock3 ;

Schem_4 dw offset Unlock ;

Schem_5 dw offset Unlock5 ;

Schem_6 dw offset Unlock6 ;

Schem_7 dw offset Unlock7 ;

Schem_8 dw offset Unlock8 ;

Schem_9 dw offset Unlock9 ;

Schem_A dw offset UnlockA ;

Schem_B dw offset UnlockB ;

Schem_C dw offset UnlockC ;

Schem_D dw offset UnlockD ;

Schem_E dw offset UnlockE ;

Schem_F &nbs, p; dw offset UnlockF ;

Schem_10 dw offset Unlock10 ;

Schem_11 dw offset Unlock11 ;

Schem_12 dw offset Unlock12 ;

Schem_13 dw offset Unlock13 ;

Schem_14 dw offset Unlock14 ;

Schem_FF dw offset UnlockFF ;



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