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使用loader方式破解 arm 1.01(6千字),loader,补丁技术

2010-1-30 18:28| 发布者: admin| 查看: 129| 评论: 0|原作者: 天仙子

使用loader方式破解 arm 1.01(6千字),loader,补丁技术
2008年06月23日 星期一 下午 09:31
使用loader方式破解 arm 1.01


arm1.01是近期程序保护方式的一个典型例子 (详情请见不久前的贴子):






本例的Loader 的原型在tKC Tutor #25,可能是由 R!SC首先公布出来的,我只做了微小的改动:

;-=-Larm101.asm-=-=-cut & paste me :)=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

; based on original loader.exe by Hayras [tNO '98] used in

; Hayras's Neolite v1.22 memory patcher.

; (Loader is also a real mother!!!)

; This is slightly modifide by Fpc @2001.


; Special thanks to TNO for graciously allowing me to use this

; source on behalf of Hayras, who has now retired from the scene.

; Yes, Hayras's loader reversed by R!SC, then totally re-written

; & released to the public, so everyone can learn this shit :)


; Requires Tasm 5.0 & import32.lib to compile

; make a BatFile as following:

; mk.bat

; \tasm32 /ml %1.asm

; \tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c %1,%1,, \Lib\import32.lib

; [Eof]

; replace with whatever...

; (c)1999 R!SC (see what i do instead of cracking...duh) yey Prophecy!




.Model Flat ,StdCall

;Define the needed external functions and constants here.

Extrn MessageBoxA:PROC

Extrn WaitForInputIdle:PROC

Extrn WriteProcessMemory:PROC

Extrn ReadProcessMemory:PROC

Extrn CreateProcessA:PROC

Extrn CloseHandle:PROC

Extrn ExitProcess:PROC

;-=-Normal data-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


CSiR_Tag db ' PE LOADER & CRACKER---R!SC 1999 ',0

CSiR_Error db 'Error!!!',0

CSiR_Error1 db 'Something fucked up...',0

OpenERR_txt db 'CreateProcess Error :(',0

ReadERR_txt db 'ReadProcessMemory Error :(',0

WriteERR_txt db 'WriteProcessMemory Error :P',0

VersionERR_txt db 'Incorrect Version of application :(',0

CSiR_ProcessInfo dd 4 dup (0) ;process handles

CSiR_StartupInfo db 48h dup (0) ;startup info for the process were opening

CSiR_RPBuffer db 10h dup (0) ;read buffer, for checking data

;-=-Patch datas-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

CSiR_AppName db 'arm.exe',0

fuck dd 495825h ; address to read data from for version checking

sizeof dd 10 ; in the new process

checkbytes db 089h,045h,0f0h,0c7h,045h ; the bytes to check for

db 0f4h,01h,0h,0h,00h ; if there not there, we have the wrong version??

patch_data_1 db 0c7h,045h,0f4h,01h,0h,0h,0h,08bh

db 045h,0f4h,08bh,014h,085h,044h,060h,04bh,0h

db 08bh,0c2h,089h,045h,0f0h,090h

patch_size_1 dd 23

patch_addr_1 dd 495825h




push offset CSiR_Tag

mov dword ptr [CSiR_StartupInfo],44h ; (the size in bytes of the structure)

push offset CSiR_ProcessInfo ; Typedef struct _PROCESS_INFORMATION

push offset CSiR_StartupInfo ; Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure

push 0

push 0

push 20h ; Creation flags

push 0

push 0

push 0

push 0

push offset CSiR_AppName ; Pointer to name of executable mod

call CreateProcessA

test eax,eax

jz OpenERR


push 800 ; Timeout (in milliseconds, -1 = infinate)

push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo] ; Here we take 0.8s

call WaitForInputIdle


push 0 ; BytesRead

push dword ptr [sizeof] ; Length

push offset CSiR_RPBuffer ; Destination (to read them to)

push dword ptr [fuck] ; Source

push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo] ; Process whose memory we are to read

call ReadProcessMemory

test eax,eax

jz ReadERR


;int 03 ;-)


lea esi, CSiR_RPBuffer

lea edi, checkbytes

mov ecx, 10

rep cmpsb

; nop

jnz VersionERR



push 0 ; Pointer to byteswritten (i like null though)

push dword ptr [patch_size_1] ; Length

push offset patch_data_1 ; Source

push dword ptr [patch_addr_1] ; Destination

push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo] ; Process whose memory we are to patch

call WriteProcessMemory ; Call Kernel32!WriteProcessMenory

test eax,eax

jz WriteERR


push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo]

call CloseHandle

push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo 4]

call CloseHandle


Push LARGE-1

Call ExitProcess



lea eax, VersionERR_txt

jmp abort


lea eax, ReadERR_txt

jmp abort


lea eax, OpenERR_txt

jmp abort


lea eax, WriteERR_txt


push 0

push offset CSiR_Error ; Title

push eax ; Message

push 0

call MessageBoxA

jmp Close_This_app

End Main


这个程序是有缺点的,即机器的速度如果过快或过慢,运行可能就要出错。自己的学艺实在不精。肯请哪位虾虾出手,在其中加入判断机器速度、根据这个速度来确定打补丁的时间。我这里用的800毫秒(0.8秒),在PII 300的条件下正常运行。



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