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2010-1-30 18:17| 发布者: admin| 查看: 69| 评论: 0|原作者: 情殇

2008年06月23日 星期一 下午 02:10

Rather than doing another complete analysis of the binary, i will rather present the techniques i have used in the challenge,

and how i have implemented them. The Scan of the Month 33 was released by the Honeynet Project in November 2004. I invite everyone

to read the excellent submissions we received this month once they have read my paper. I am presenting the binary from the protection

author point of view, while they presented it from the analyst point of view. You will learn the methods and techniques used to Protect

/ Unprotect a binary with this month's challenge. A lot of weaknesses were left on purpose in this binary and they will be presented here.

Keywords: Software Protection; Reverse Code Engineering; Linux; Anti-Debugging; Anti-Anti-Debugging


有人偏爱详细的分析过程,而我却喜欢从技术和实现方法的层面上去探讨。2004年的11月,The Honeynet Project发布了The scan of the month 33。



1. Introduction

This month's challenge is to analyze an unknown binary, in an effort to reinforce the value of reverse engineering, and improve (by learning

from the security community) the methods, tools and procedures used to do it. This challenge is similar to SotM 32. However, this binary has

mechanisms implemented to make the binary much harder to analyze, to protect against reverse engineering.


最新的month 33挑战了一段未知的二进制代码,这对于我们加深逆向印象、改进方法、了解工具的使用及其整个过程具有积极的作用。这与先前发布的The scan of the month 32是相同的。唯一不同的是,此二进制代码更加难于分析。

Skill Level: Advanced/Expert

All we are going to tell you about the binary is that it was 'found' on a WinXP system and has now be sent to you for analysis. You will have to

analyse it in-depth and get as much information as possible about its inner working, and what is the goal of the binary. The main goal of this challenge is

to teach people how to analyse heavily armored binaries. Such techniques could be used in the future, and its time to get used to them.

2. Identify and explain any techniques in the binary that protect it from being analyzed or reverse engineered





Many techniques have been used in order to slow down analysis and break reverse engineers tools:

? PE Header Modifications

Many fields of the PE header were modified in order to disturb analysing tools, and thus, the Reverse Engineer. I will quickly cover the most

important changes:

->Optional Header

Magic: 0x010B (HDR32_MAGIC)

MajorLinkerVersion: 0x02

MinorLinkerVersion: 0x19 -> 2.25

SizeOfCode: 0x00000200

SizeOfInitializedData: 0x00045400

SizeOfUninitializedData: 0x00000000

AddressOfEntryPoint: 0x00002000

BaseOfCode: 0x00001000

BaseOfData: 0x00002000

ImageBase: 0x00DE0000 <--- "Non Standard" ImageBase

SectionAlignment: 0x00001000

FileAlignment: 0x00001000

MajorOperatingSystemVersion: 0x0001

MinorOperatingSystemVersion: 0x0000 -> 1.00

MajorImageVersion: 0x0000

MinorImageVersion: 0x0000 -> 0.00

MajorSubsystemVersion: 0x0004

MinorSubsystemVersion: 0x0000 -> 4.00

Win32VersionValue: 0x00000000

SizeOfImage: 0x00049000

SizeOfHeaders: 0x00001000

CheckSum: 0x00000000

Subsystem: 0x0003 (WINDOWS_CUI)

DllCharacteristics: 0x0000

SizeOfStackReserve: 0x00100000

SizeOfStackCommit: 0x00002000

SizeOfHeapReserve: 0x00100000

SizeOfHeapCommit: 0x00001000

LoaderFlags: 0xABDBFFDE <--- Bogus Value

NumberOfRvaAndSizes: 0xDFFFDDDE <--- Bogus Value

The "standard" ImageBase usually is 400000 for Win32 applications and Reverse Engineers are used to analyse programs with such an ImageBase.

While it isn't a protection by itself, this simple modification will confuse some Reverse Engineers, because they aren't used to such memory addresses.




->Optional Header

Magic: 0x010B (HDR32_MAGIC)

MajorLinkerVersion: 0x02

MinorLinkerVersion: 0x19 -> 2.25

SizeOfCode: 0x00000200

SizeOfInitializedData: 0x00045400

SizeOfUninitializedData: 0x00000000

AddressOfEntryPoint: 0x00002000

BaseOfCode: 0x00001000

BaseOfData: 0x00002000

ImageBase: 0x00DE0000 <--- 非一般性基址

SectionAlignment: 0x00001000

FileAlignment: 0x00001000

MajorOperatingSystemVersion: 0x0001

MinorOperatingSystemVersion: 0x0000 -> 1.00

MajorImageVersion: 0x0000

MinorImageVersion: 0x0000 -> 0.00

MajorSubsystemVersion: 0x0004

MinorSubsystemVersion: 0x0000 -> 4.00

Win32VersionValue: 0x00000000

SizeOfImage: 0x00049000

SizeOfHeaders: 0x00001000

CheckSum: 0x00000000

Subsystem: 0x0003 (WINDOWS_CUI)

DllCharacteristics: 0x0000

SizeOfStackReserve: 0x00100000

SizeOfStackCommit: 0x00002000

SizeOfHeapReserve: 0x00100000

SizeOfHeapCommit: 0x00001000

LoaderFlags: 0xABDBFFDE <--- 伪值

NumberOfRvaAndSizes: 0xDFFFDDDE <--- 伪值



"Anti" OllyDbg:

LoaderFlags and NumberOfRvaAndSizes were modified.. I have Reverse Engineered OllyDBG and Soft ICE to find a few tricks that could slow down

the analysis of a binary. With those two modifications, Olly will pretend that the binary isn't a good image and will eventually run the

application without breaking at its entry point. This could be a bad thing if you wanted to debug a mal ware on your computer, because you would get infected.




Anti Soft ICE : Blue Screen of Death and no Chocolate:

The NumberOfRvaAndSizes field has been modified in order to reboot any computer running a recent version of Soft ICE. While Disassembling

the PE Loader of Soft ICE, i found a very critical vulnerability in Soft ICE that allows one binary to crash any computer running Soft ICE without any

code execution. This vulnerability (bug) has been reported to Compuware and should be fixed in the next version. Apparently it didn't happen on some

of the authors of the submissions for some reasons. Oh well.

Here is the disassembly of Soft ICE PE loader to find out why it reboots your computer:


.text:000A79FE loc_A79FE: ; CODE XREF: sub_A79B9 31j

.text:000A79FE ; sub_A79B9 3Cj

.text:000A79FE ; DATA XREF: .text:00012F9Bo

.text:000A79FE sti

.text:000A79FF mov esi, ecx

.text:000A7A01 mov ax, [esi]

.text:000A7A04 cmp ax, 'ZM'

.text:000A7A08 jnz not_PE_file


.text:000A7A0E mov edi, [esi _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew]

.text:000A7A11 add edi, esi

.text:000A7A13 mov ax, [edi]

.text:000A7A16 cmp ax, 'EP'

.text:000A7A1A jnz not_PE_file


.text:000A7A20 movzx ecx, [edi IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.FileHeader.NumberOfSections]

.text:000A7A24 or ecx, ecx

.text:000A7A26 jz not_PE_file


.text:000A7A2C mov eax, [edi IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes]

.text:000A7A2F lea edi, [edi eax*8 IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory]

.text:000A7A33 mov eax, ecx

.text:000A7A35 imul eax, 28h

.text:000A7A38 mov al, [eax edi] ; CRITICAL BUG! One can force EAX EDI to be equal to zero. Reading at [0] in ring 0 isn't nice eh ;-)


.text:000A7A3B loc_A7A3B: ; DATA XREF: .text:00012FA5o

.text:000A7A3B cli

.text:000A7A3C call sub_15C08


.text:000A7A41 mov byte_FA259, 0

.text:000A7A48 push eax ; Save EAX

.text:000A7A49 mov eax, dword_16B56F ; EAX is modified by a saved dword

.text:000A7A4E mov dr7, eax ; Debug Register 7 take the value in EAX

.text:000A7A51 pop eax ; EAX is restored

.text:000A7A52 mov dword_FC6CC, esp

.text:000A7A58 mov esp, offset unk_FBABC

.text:000A7A5D and esp, 0FFFFFFFCh

.text:000A7A60 xor al, al ; AL is zeroed? Why this mov al, [eax edi] then ?

.text:000A7A60 ; I don't see the point. old code?

.text:000A7A62 call sub_4D2EB


.text:000A7A67 call sub_36AC1


.text:000A7A6C xor edx, edx


.text:000A7A6E loc_A7A6E: ; CODE XREF: sub_A79B9 124j

.text:000A7A6E call sub_74916







.text:000A79FE loc_A79FE: ; CODE XREF: sub_A79B9 31j

.text:000A79FE ; sub_A79B9 3Cj

.text:000A79FE ; DATA XREF: .text:00012F9Bo

.text:000A79FE sti

.text:000A79FF mov esi, ecx

.text:000A7A01 mov ax, [esi]

.text:000A7A04 cmp ax, 'ZM'

.text:000A7A08 jnz not_PE_file


.text:000A7A0E mov edi, [esi _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew]

.text:000A7A11 add edi, esi

.text:000A7A13 mov ax, [edi]

.text:000A7A16 cmp ax, 'EP'

.text:000A7A1A jnz not_PE_file


.text:000A7A20 movzx ecx, [edi IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.FileHeader.NumberOfSections]

.text:000A7A24 or ecx, ecx

.text:000A7A26 jz not_PE_file


.text:000A7A2C mov eax, [edi IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes]

.text:000A7A2F lea edi, [edi eax*8 IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory]

.text:000A7A33 mov eax, ecx

.text:000A7A35 imul eax, 28h

.text:000A7A38 mov al, [eax edi] ; EAX EDI=0则崩溃。权限0中读取[0]地址可不妙。


.text:000A7A3B loc_A7A3B: ; DATA XREF: .text:00012FA5o

.text:000A7A3B cli

.text:000A7A3C call sub_15C08


.text:000A7A41 mov byte_FA259, 0

.text:000A7A48 push eax ; Save EAX

.text:000A7A49 mov eax, dword_16B56F ; 用双字修改EAX中值

.text:000A7A4E mov dr7, eax ; 寄存器7从EAX中取值

.text:000A7A51 pop eax ; 恢复EAX

.text:000A7A52 mov dword_FC6CC, esp

.text:000A7A58 mov esp, offset unk_FBABC

.text:000A7A5D and esp, 0FFFFFFFCh

.text:000A7A60 xor al, al ; AL取0?为什么要mov al, [eax edi]?

.text:000A7A60 ; 不明白.原始代码?

.text:000A7A62 call sub_4D2EB


.text:000A7A67 call sub_36AC1


.text:000A7A6C xor edx, edx


.text:000A7A6E loc_A7A6E: ; CODE XREF: sub_A79B9 124j

.text:000A7A6E call sub_74916


As you can see from the code above, we can force Soft ICE to read at memory location [0] or something similar using a special value inside

the PE header. For this binary i didn't bother calculating the exact value to read at address [0], that's may explain why it didn't crash

for some people.I won't explain how to calculate this special value because it is trivial and i don't want Dark lords to use that trick

without a little brainstorming.

To fix this problems, one needs to patch the value in the PE Header. The standard value for NumberOfRvaAndSizes is 0x10.Just patch this

value in the PE Header and the Soft ICE wrecking will be gone. The OllyDBG problem as well, because it is based on BOTH fields modifications.

You can also nullify the other field if you want.





? Section Modification: Or how to kill many tools.

->Section Header Table

1. item:

Name: CODE

VirtualSize: 0x00001000

VirtualAddress: 0x00001000

SizeOfRawData: 0x00001000

PointerToRawData: 0x00001000

PointerToRelocations: 0x00000000

PointerToLinenumbers: 0x00000000

NumberOfRelocations: 0x0000

NumberOfLinenumbers: 0x0000

Characteristics: 0xE0000020


2. item:

Name: DATA

VirtualSize: 0x00045000

VirtualAddress: 0x00002000

SizeOfRawData: 0x00045000

PointerToRawData: 0x00002000

PointerToRelocations: 0x00000000

PointerToLinenumbers: 0x00000000

NumberOfRelocations: 0x0000

NumberOfLinenumbers: 0x0000

Characteristics: 0xC0000040


3. item:

Name: NicolasB

VirtualSize: 0x00001000

VirtualAddress: 0x00047000

SizeOfRawData: 0xEFEFADFF <--- BIG Size of section on the disk.

PointerToRawData: 0x00047000

PointerToRelocations: 0x00000000

PointerToLinenumbers: 0x00000000

NumberOfRelocations: 0x0000

NumberOfLinenumbers: 0x0000

Characteristics: 0xC0000040


4. item:

Name: .idata

VirtualSize: 0x00001000

VirtualAddress: 0x00048000

SizeOfRawData: 0x00001000

PointerToRawData: 0x00047000

PointerToRelocations: 0x00000000

PointerToLinenumbers: 0x00000000

NumberOfRelocations: 0x0000

NumberOfLinenumbers: 0x0000

Characteristics: 0xC0000040



->Section Header Table (节头表)


Name: CODE

VirtualSize: 0x00001000

VirtualAddress: 0x00001000

SizeOfRawData: 0x00001000

PointerToRawData: 0x00001000

PointerToRelocations: 0x00000000

PointerToLinenumbers: 0x00000000

NumberOfRelocations: 0x0000

NumberOfLinenumbers: 0x0000

Characteristics: 0xE0000020



Name: DATA

VirtualSize: 0x00045000

VirtualAddress: 0x00002000

SizeOfRawData: 0x00045000

PointerToRawData: 0x00002000

PointerToRelocations: 0x00000000

PointerToLinenumbers: 0x00000000

NumberOfRelocations: 0x0000

NumberOfLinenumbers: 0x0000

Characteristics: 0xC0000040



Name: NicolasB

VirtualSize: 0x00001000

VirtualAddress: 0x00047000

SizeOfRawData: 0xEFEFADFF <--- 大容量的节

PointerToRawData: 0x00047000

PointerToRelocations: 0x00000000

PointerToLinenumbers: 0x00000000

NumberOfRelocations: 0x0000

NumberOfLinenumbers: 0x0000

Characteristics: 0xC0000040



Name: .idata

VirtualSize: 0x00001000

VirtualAddress: 0x00048000

SizeOfRawData: 0x00001000

PointerToRawData: 0x00047000

PointerToRelocations: 0x00000000

PointerToLinenumbers: 0x00000000

NumberOfRelocations: 0x0000

NumberOfLinenumbers: 0x0000

Characteristics: 0xC0000040


From those informations, we can conclude a few things. First, the binary doesn't seem to be compressed, because the Virtual Address and Size matche

the Raw Offset and Size at one exception, the NicolasB section. This section has an extremly big size of raw data, which will crash a few tools and

make a few others very very slow.

通过以上信息,我们可以推断出以下一些结论。1。二进制代码未被压缩,因为除了NicolasB,其它节的Virtual Address= the Raw Offset,Virtual Size= Raw Size。NicolasB节包含了巨大的raw数值,这将使进行逆向的工具崩溃或受到阻碍。


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