标题: [求助]一个关于链表的编程题的解法. [打印本页] 作者: 顺其自然 时间: 2009-11-4 02:07 标题: [求助]一个关于链表的编程题的解法. 10个小孩围坐一圈,依次编号,指定从第s个小孩开始报数(从1-n报数),报到n的小孩出列,然后依次重复下去,直到所有小孩出列,求小孩出列的顺序?(用C++中的链表编)请教,谢谢!作者: lala 时间: 2009-11-4 02:07
链表好实现吧作者: 我只在乎你 时间: 2009-11-4 02:07
自己应该可以写出来的啊作者: CHLOE 时间: 2009-11-4 02:07
链表的最末一个指向第一个,就成了圆的了,每次向下找第n个,删除(但要把断点接上,让被删除的上一个指向被删除的下一个)...作者: 駃旒_鎏蒗瀦 时间: 2009-11-4 02:07
数据结构还没学,怎么做,麻烦指导一下。 qq451127649感谢!!作者: 1OOOO 时间: 2009-11-4 02:07
具体点,用C++编哦!作者: 炫夜 时间: 2009-11-4 02:07
//猴子选大王: 有M个猴子围成一圈,每个有一个编号,编号从1到M。打算从中选出
* name : FindKingOfMonkey
* desc : Find the king from nMonkeyNum monkeys.
* in : nMonkeyNum - All monkeys' numbers.
nCount - Every time we count nCount monkeys.
* out : --
* ret : The ring of monkey.
int FindKingOfMonkey(int nMonkeyNum, int nCount);
int ari::FindKingOfMonkey(int nMonkeyNum, int nCount)
struct Monkey
int nNextMonkey; //Point to the next monkey.
int nNotOutFlg; //Flag of monkey whether is out. 1 - not out,
//0 - out.
struct Monkey *pMonkeyLink = new struct Monkey[nMonkeyNum + 1];
assert(NULL != pMonkeyLink);
int i, j, k;
i = j = k = 0;
for (i=1; i<=nMonkeyNum; i++)
{ //The element 0 is not used. o?×ó×üêy?anMonkeyNum, 0o??a????óDê1ó?.
pMonkeyLink[i].nNextMonkey = i + 1; //Point to next monkey.
pMonkeyLink[i].nNotOutFlg = 1; //At beginning, all monkeys are not
pMonkeyLink[nMonkeyNum].nNextMonkey = 1; //The last pointer point to the
//first monkey. Now we have
//constructed circulation of link.
int nOutCount = 1; //The counter of monkey who is out.
int nIndexOfMonkey = nMonkeyNum; //???òò??-′|àííê±?μ?êy×é?a??£?′ó
//ê???êy, ′??a′óμúò???o?×ó?aê?êy.
//Let nMonkeyNum monkeys out, and only left the king.
for (nOutCount=1; nOutCount<nMonkeyNum; nOutCount++)
for (k=0; k<nCount; )
nIndexOfMonkey = pMonkeyLink[nIndexOfMonkey].nNextMonkey;
//êy?-1yá?μ?o?×óêy.è?1?nNotOutflg == 0, ±íê???o?×óò??-3?è|.ì?1y??
k += pMonkeyLink[nIndexOfMonkey].nNotOutFlg;
pMonkeyLink[nIndexOfMonkey].nNotOutFlg = 0; //The monkey at
//nIndexOfMonkey is out.
int nKingOfMonkey = 0;
//Find the king of monkey whose nNotOutFlg == 1.
for (i=1; i<=nMonkeyNum; i++)
if (1 == pMonkeyLink[i].nNotOutFlg)
nKingOfMonkey = i;
delete [] pMonkeyLink;
return nKingOfMonkey;